
Initial Naturopathic Consultation

90 minutes

This is a full holistic consultation where I will gather information about all your body systems and how they are functioning. We will discuss family genetics & your personal history, dietary & lifestyle information. You decided which presenting complaint you want to address and we discuss aims and goal to aid you in your recovery. This will culminate in an agreed upon treatment plan, that you feel is attainable for you.


(excludes prescribed products)

Follow-up Naturopathic Consultation

50 minutes

Existing clients only, a follow-up following on from your initial consultation. We discuss our treatment plan, including signs, symptoms and your previously prescribed medicine. We may discuss making changes to the plan to fulfill positive outcomes towards your quality of life


(excludes prescribed products)

Acute Consultation

30 minutes

This is an acute consultation for those requiring treatment for acute symptoms. It is performed via telephone or video consultations, with a discussion on your presenting signs and symptoms and culminating in an acute treatment plan (2 weeks) and possibly prescribing nutraceuticals or/and herbals to aid in your recovery. 


(excludes prescribed products)

individualised iridology report

30 minutes

The vital force of each individual can be supported by knowing the constitutional type. The structure of the eyes is permanent and therefore an individual fingerprint.
Allow 10 working days for report to be produced.


(includes full report)

The road to great health

The treatments themselves do not ‘cure’ the condition, they simply restore the body’s self-healing ability.

– Leon Chaitow